Polycarp Flowers

Polycarp's main source of revenue is sales from its online flower shop. A pop-up or seasonal shop is also made available, where workshops are also hosted. The company sources its product from global vendor relationships.

Visit Website

Our impact with

Polycarp Flowers


Miles of Reach


Gigabytes of Optimized Imagery


Sales Strategy

Project Highlights

Local Sales Strategy

We primarily simplified information into concise headings, enhanced user experience, and prominently featured bold and beautiful floral imagery. By implementing Polycarp's location in the titles and images, the website has a higher chance of being shown in the top 10 position in Google Search Results. All the while, beautiful floral designs seamlessly guide customers to the order page. This checkout process was also optimized, especially for out-of-state customers ordering within a 30-mile radius of Summit, NJ. We also explored Wix shipping options to streamline backend processes.

Additional case studies showcasing how Tall Town Design helps with online growth

Homepage Optimization & Localization

Website UX & Redesign

Every IO
Information and Statistics

Website Migration & Design

Information and Statistics

Content Hubs around category specific topics which have resulted in over 1000 additional monthly user traffic, position 0 for "how to write facebook ad copy" & "how to write ads for facebook"